Well, I never ever thought I would get to the end of this super crazy but wonderful adventure of mine! These past 18 months, I have served the Lord will all of my heart, might, mind, and strength. What a pleasure it was for me! I have absolutely LOVED this time wearing a nametag, and sharing it with Jesus Christ´s name... what a gift!
This past week was actually the best week ever! It still had it´s ups and downs, but yesterday we visited 2 of the girls we´ve been teaching and they told us that they want to get baptized THIS Saturday! It was seriously the coolest thing ever! So I can honestly say that I will be finishing off with a splash!
I´m so so excited!
Life in Guatemala has been the best thing in the entire world! I never thought I would have learned so so so much in such a short time.
Here´s some things I learned:
- Life is full of twists and turns (especially on bouncy buses!)
- Sometimes a tortilla and salt is all a parasite tummy needs
- Cold water showers are better after a long day of walking in the sun!
- Animals are friends too
- Rain & plastic shoes
but plastic shoes and slipperly feet
- Always look up at the blessings ahead of you
- Friends can really come from ALL over the world!
- Everyone just needs a little love every once and a while
- If you say "amigo" to someone, they will automatically become your friend and they will NEVER forget it (hint: i think i´ve made like 100 little kid friends just by yelling "adios amigo")
- A tortilla can literally turn into 30 different foods
But something so important that I learned, was that everyone here has some type of belief in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ.
Here´s some testimony strengthening things that I will never forget:
- We are God´s children and He loves us more than we will EVER know
- Jesus Christ died for each and every one of us so that someday, we can be as great as Him.
- Trust is not given, it is gained. We should all strive for God´s trust!
- Our trials are yet a small little piece of Christ´s sacrifice
- Even if we only have time to thank God for another day of life and for our food, he is content with us!
- We will all one day we reunited with our familes again :)
- When we read the scriptures, we are literally searching for answers from our Heavenly Father
- We can definitely share the love of our Savior to others so that they can feel joy!
- God wants us to be happy, so he´s put us in the exact place where we need to be in this very moment!
- When we feel loved, peaceful, grateful, happy, or even warm inside, we are feeling the Spirit of God!
Thank you for always being such great supporters of mine. I love you all with alllll and I can´t wait to share my little chapín experiences with you! Que Dios les bendiga en este tiempo de sus vidas. Él les ama con TODO se corazón. Y yo también. Gracias por ser mis ejemplos!
Con mucho mucho amor,
Hermana Pereira
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