And She's Off....Farewell to Jenny!!!! - August 2

So,  I (Lisa, Jenny's mom) am responsible for keeping this blog running while Jenny is gone.  She's been gone for just over a week and I am just now getting around to getting this updated, so I will do a few posts at once to bring you all up to date.

Here are some of the pictures we took at her farewell and before we said goodbye at the airport.  I don't even have access to all of them, but I will post a few.  It is always hard to say goodbye to a child.  We did it last year when she headed off to college and it was hard, but this felt different because we aren't just a phone call or a Facetime away.  As a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon), you commit yourself to the Lord and his Gospel for the duration of your mission.  You agree to obey the rules and guidelines set for a missionary.  One of these guidelines is that you will lose yourself in the service and the work, by limiting phone calls home to twice a year (Mother's Day and Christmas) and emailing and/or writing letters home once a week on your Preparation Day (PDAY).   We won't be visiting her, either.  We are fully and wholly supporting her in this commitment for the next 18 months of her life as a disciple of Jesus Christ in Guatemala.  We invite you to support her, too, by praying for her and writing her uplifting letters and emails whenever you can.  She will love it!

Farewell and Airport Photos

Can't wait to see how much Jake grows when Jenny is gone!

You will do a great job Chapina!  We love you!

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